“Digital Citizenship.” Adobe Firefly, Adobe, 31 Jan. 2024.
Digital Citizenship for Parents
Teaching Digital Citizenship and Responsible Use of Technology
Parenting in this digital age is challenging, but we’re here to help. The following resources can help prepare you for important conversations with your kids about digital devices, online activities, and addressing issues that may arise.
MediaSmarts, in partnership with the government of Canada, has created the Digital Citizenship Guide for Parents which can guide conversations about Respecting People’s Feelings, Respecting Privacy, and Respecting Property.
The Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council created the THINK Awareness Campaign that can support conversations around not only digital citizenship in the broad sense but also specific issues and Apps.
Common Sense Media is an American resource that provides comprehensive educational materials for both parents and educators on Digital Citizenship and Privacy Considerations. Their Parent Resources are vast and support parents of children from preschoolers to 13+. A few curated resources related to Digital Balance and Well-Being can be found here; however, a browse through their full set of parent resources may be most helpful.
While at school there is significant filtering and safeguarding related to student access to particular websites and resources. At home, parents may want to add school accounts to a safeguarding service of their choice. WCDSB does not endorse or recommend any particular parental control product as some may or may not work with WCDSB accounts. Instead, WCDSB recommends contacting your internet service provider and checking router settings for parental control options.
- Media Smarts Tips on Using Parental Controls